Maximizing Green Builds: How to Unlock Massive Savings Through Energy-Efficient Tax Incentives


BY: Austen Legler — Head of Partnerships, TaxTaker | 9th November 2023

We’ve partnered with our friends at TaxTaker to break down the 179D and 45L energy efficiency tax incentives. TaxTaker is offering Tough Leaf diverse firms $1500 for every successful referral that uses TaxTaker’s services for these incentive programs.

In an industry that’s ever-evolving, staying ahead means understanding the new opportunities that can give you an edge. That's why we're diving deep into the 179D and 45L tax incentives today. Whether you're crafting commercial properties or cozy residential homes, there’s something here for you.

Why Energy Efficiency Matters Now More Than Ever

As conversations about climate change and sustainability dominate global discussions, there’s a spotlight on the construction industry. Buildings are substantial energy consumers, and how we design and construct them today sets the tone for our environmental footprint tomorrow. With these incentives, the government isn’t just promoting green building; it's rewarding it.

The 179D Deduction: Making Commercial Ventures Shine Brighter

If your expertise lies in commercial real estate, then the 179D is a tool you'll want in your kit. The 179D tax deduction represents a unique opportunity to combine sustainable practices with economic benefits. If you're looking to harness this deduction, understanding its qualification criteria is vital. Let's delve deeper into what it takes to qualify for the 179D.

What Types of Buildings are Eligible?

Not every building can avail of this deduction. The 179D is available to:

  • Commercial buildings, including apartment buildings that are at least four stories high.
  • Constructions or renovations made by federal, state, or local governments, such as schools, libraries, or town halls.


How do you Qualify?

The primary goal of 179D is to promote energy efficiency. The 179D wants buildings to use less energy. To get this benefit, your building must use less energy than a typical building. Here's how:

Whole Building Method: Your building needs to use at least 50% less energy for things like heat, air, lights, and hot water than a normal building.

Part-by-Part Method: If getting to 50% sounds hard, you can focus on specific parts of the building:

  • Interior Lighting: achieve a 25-40% reduction in energy
  • HVAC and Hot Water Systems: achieve a 15-30% reduction in energy
  • Building Envelope: achieve a 10-50% reduction in energy

Remember, partial deductions mean a proportionally smaller deduction than the maximum potential of $5 per square foot, but every bit helps!

Who Benefits?

In the realm of commercial construction, the 179D offers an enticing incentive for those taking the green building route. It's all about motivating the construction of energy-smart commercial spaces. Here's who stands to gain:

  • Building Owners: Whether they're individuals, trusts, estates, or corporations, owners of commercial properties can pocket significant savings if their structures qualify. Newly constructed buildings or renovated existing ones that embrace energy-saving solutions are primarily the beneficiaries.
  • Designers and Builders of Government-Owned Buildings: While government entities are exempt from federal taxes, the 179D presents an unusual perk for those constructing or revamping public properties. When buildings like schools or municipal establishments get an energy-efficient touch, the deduction can be passed on to the designer or builder responsible for the enhancements.

Why It’s a Game-Changer

By incorporating energy-saving features from the planning phase, you can pitch a more comprehensive package to potential clients. They won’t just get a modern building; they’ll also enjoy the financial perks of tax deductions. 

The 179D Energy-Efficient Commercial Building Deduction now allows eligible entities to deduct up to $5.00 per square foot of the building's floor area if they implement property that results in energy and power cost savings.

Steps to Success

To secure the 179D for your project, you need to meet specific energy and power cost-saving thresholds. This often means working hand-in-hand with energy consultants and modeling professionals, ensuring your design aligns with the required benchmarks.

The 45L Credit: Elevating Residential Projects to New Heights

For those making waves in the residential domain, the 45L is your ticket to added benefits. This isn’t just another tax break. The 45L is a tax credit tailored for energy-efficient homes, either newly constructed or recently renovated. Unlike deductions, tax credits directly reduce the tax owed, offering significant financial savings. 

In the realm of residential development, the 45L tax credit shines as a beacon for those embracing energy efficiency. Let's explore the intricate details of what it takes to qualify for the 45L.

What types of Homes are Eligible?

The 45L credit doesn't apply to all residential structures. Specific eligibility criteria include:

  • Targeted Properties: Primarily, the credit focuses on newly constructed or renovated single-family homes, including individual condo units and apartment buildings with three stories or fewer above grade.
  • Intended for Sale or Lease: It's crucial that the dwelling is constructed and sold or leased to another party for use as a residence.


How Do You Qualify?

The heart of the 45L credit lies in its push for superior energy performance. The benchmarks are:

  • Energy Consumption Reduction: The home or dwelling unit must achieve a 50% reduction in energy consumption compared to a reference residence that meets certain 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) standards.
  • Partial Credits: If the 50% reduction seems challenging, there's potential for partial credits - A dwelling that achieves a 10% reduction in energy consumption from the envelope alone (walls, roofs, windows, doors) qualifies for a smaller credit.

Who Benefits

When it comes to residential spaces, the 45L is a shining beacon for those championing sustainable homes. This tax credit is tailored to push forward the creation of homes that are not only comfortable but also energy-conscious. Here's the lineup of beneficiaries:

Home Builders and Developers: Homebuilders, be it of quaint single-family homes or sprawling multi-family residences (think apartment complexes with up to three stories), have much to gain. The credit embraces both homes constructed for sale and those built for lease.

Manufactured Home Producers: Producers who craft energy-efficient manufactured homes that tick the requisite boxes can also bask in the benefits of the 45L credit.

The 45L tax credit gives homebuilders money back for creating energy-saving homes. Builders can get $2,000 for each energy-saving home or apartment built after August 2005. There's also a $1,000 credit for certain energy-efficient manufactured homes.

Documentation: The Key to Unlocking These Incentives

A crucial aspect often overlooked is the importance of detailed record-keeping. Documenting every step, from the materials used to energy audits and certifications, can make the difference when applying for these incentives. Collaborating with specialized tax professionals can streamline this process, ensuring you're equipped with the right documentation when it’s time to claim.

Looking Beyond Just Savings

Strengthening Client Relationships: Educating clients about these benefits doesn’t just showcase your industry knowledge; it builds trust and cements long-term partnerships.

A Mark of Excellence: Incorporating energy efficiency and then optimizing the associated tax benefits positions you as a leader in your field, setting you apart from the competition.

Future-Proofing: As regulations continue to evolve, having a foundational understanding of incentives like 179D and 45L ensures you're always a step ahead.

Wrapping Up

In the vast landscape of construction and development, those who innovate and adapt are the ones who thrive. The 179D and 45L aren’t just incentives; they're indicators of where the industry is headed. 

We're always searching for ways to offer more value to our clients and solidify our relationships. The introduction of tax incentives like the 179D and 45L showcases the tangible benefits of constructing with energy efficiency in mind.

Yet, the real magic happens when we bridge the gap between building innovation and financial rewards. That's where TaxTaker steps in. TaxTaker is committed to helping professionals like you navigate these incentives.

Real estate owners look up to you not just to build or revamp their properties but to guide them. Lead them into the future where buildings aren't just eco-friendly, but also economically smart.

Reach out and become the energy-efficiency champion your clients need! Not to mention, for every client you introduce who partners with TaxTaker, you’ll enjoy a generous referral bonus.

For every person you refer who partners with TaxTaker, you’ll get $1500. This isn't just a thank you; it's a testament to our commitment to working together for the long haul.

Set up a call with TaxTaker and become an energy efficiency champion!