Announcing Tough Leaf's Newest Partner: Ply - Streamlining Materials Management for Small Contractors


BY: Tough Leaf | 5th October 2023

Tough Leaf capacity-building partners are specifically chosen for their ability to support our community of certified MWDBE firms in building internal systems that will help them scale to the next level. This is why we’re happy to introduce Ply, our newest member of the capacity-building team.

Ply Streamlines Materials Management

Ply's mission is straightforward: to help SMB contractors in the commercial and residential sectors buy and manage materials more efficiently. They have designed a suite of services and technology to simplify everything related to materials, from purchasing to management.

Dave Wigder and Darion Miller, co-founders of Ply, recently shared their mission and explained how their innovative solutions are simplifying material management for small contractors.

Here are key reasons why Ply's partnership with Tough Leaf is a significant development for small, diverse firms.

Solving Materials Management Challenges

Ply addresses various challenges faced by small contractors including:

  • Lack of Visibility: Many contractors struggle to keep track of their inventory, especially in truck stock and warehouses.
  • Limited Tracking Mechanisms: Unreliable tracking methods lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies.
  • Manual Replenishment: When critical quantities are not replenished promptly, it leads to downtime, which can cost the company.
  • Unorganized Purchasing: Chasing down the details for tracking materials, orders, and suppliers can take the focus away from growing your business.

How Ply Works for Small Businesses

Ply breaks down its operations into four categories:

  • Audit and Import: Ply’s mobile app allows you to scan and track items. Their integrations and importing tools allow you to develop your business’s purchasing catalog.
  • Inventory Management: The platform provides tracking tools for barcode scanning and efficient management of inventory in trucks and warehouses.
  • Replenishment Triggers: Auto-replenishment triggers save time and reduce human error by automatically defining conditions to trigger specific actions, such as low/critical inventory notifications.
  • Purchasing: Customers can send buy requests directly to their Ply buyer and/or rely on our project RFQ or inventory replenishment automation.

Why Ply is Ideal for Small Contractors

Dave and Darion understand that small businesses often operate on tight schedules and budgets. By simplifying materials management, they created a “need-to-have solution”, not just a “nice-to-have addition” to small business operations. It saves time, reduces human error, and ultimately improves cash flow for busy contractors.

In a world where efficiency and cost-effectiveness are paramount, our partnership with Ply is a significant development for small, diverse firms in the construction industry. By simplifying materials management, Ply empowers these businesses to save time, reduce errors, and focus on what they do best. As they continue to build their ecosystem, Ply is set to become an invaluable partner for contractors looking to thrive in a competitive market.