Celebrating Women Leaders in Construction: Stories from Two Women-Owned Firms in the Tough Leaf Community


BY: Tough Leaf | 6th March 2024

In honor of Women in Construction Week 2024, Tough Leaf has chosen to highlight two of the over 66,000 women-owned businesses (WBEs) from Tough Leaf’s community of diverse firms. These women have demonstrated determination and innovation in leading their companies, overcoming gender barriers that have long made construction a male-dominated field. We applaud their achievements and thank them for paving the way for others to follow. 

KCM Contracting 

KCM Contracting, Inc is a M/WBE construction company owned by Roxanne Guerrerio. Established in 2011, KCM has a strong and successful track record of working with general contractors and government agencies on projects specializing in concrete, masonry, waterproofing, and fireproofing. 

Roxanne, as a woman in the heavily male-dominated construction industry, what has been one of your biggest challenges since starting this business? How did you manage to overcome that challenge? 

The most obvious is that men and women who meet a woman in construction, especially in concrete and masonry, have the initial reaction that a woman just can't possibly be doing that. The less obvious is how hard it really is to run a construction company. These are two challenges I have learned to manage on a day-by-day basis. I also found that for every 10 people who either doubt me or make it a bit harder for me, there is one person who believes in me or helps me in some way or another. 

What is one piece of advice you would give another woman who is considering starting her own firm in the construction industry?

Be prepared for the ups and downs of construction; there is a lot more than meets the eye. Find mentors and guidance from people with more experience to mitigate pitfalls that can happen because when you don’t know what you don’t know it can be very costly.

What is it like working with Tough Leaf on a bid package? 

It was a very simple process, I got invited to submit a proposal, and all the documents I needed were included in the package. After I had my proposal ready, I sent it over and that was that - no issues at all. The initial intake required minimal effort, there are no expectations of the contractor other than if there is a job that you are invited to bid on, you just submit your proposal.

The Best Shades 

Led by Yuliya Gimadiev, founder and CEO, The Best Shades is a MWBE-certified business providing custom interior window treatments and installation for all types of custom window shades, blinds, and drapery in the New York Tri-state area. They proudly serve residential, commercial, government, and corporate markets by providing high-quality, energy-efficient products and professional services partnering with leading industry manufacturers. 

The Best Shades received the 2023 WBE Award of Excellence at The Competitive Edge Conference in New York City. 

Yuliya, what inspired you to start your own construction firm? How did you get the business off the ground initially? 

I started my company three weeks before my daughter, my first child, was born. It was a challenging time with a long list of worries and unknowns. My husband was laid off right before Thanksgiving, and we needed to find a way to provide for our family, so I came up with the idea of building our own window treatment company. Drawing from my background in operations management, HR legal expertise, building management, and construction, I structured the business for growth and success focused on excellent customer services and high-quality products.

It also allowed me to be present for my child and to worry less about the logistical challenges often associated with traditional employment, such as maternity leave and rigid schedules, which was a significant factor in my decision. Starting my own business allowed me the freedom to prioritize my family while pursuing my entrepreneurial aspirations.

Despite initial doubts, I embarked on this journey from scratch, fueled by determination and a vision for success. With the support of my husband and my growing team, we worked tirelessly, leveraging our combined skills and unwavering dedication to get the business off the ground and pave the way for its success. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to another woman considering starting her own firm in the construction industry? What do you see as keys to success? 

Don’t let lack of experience hold you back. Focus on having a clear vision and a passion for what you do. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with supportive mentors and like-minded individuals. There are numerous successful women in the industry and organizations dedicated to supporting your growth, we at The Best Shades have created an exclusive blog section – "The Community Window" where we share valuable resources and spotlight fellow small local businesses. Stay resilient, stay open to learning, and never underestimate your potential to succeed. Be both, a giver and a listener, on your journey to success. 

What was it like working with Tough Leaf? 

Working with Tough Leaf on a bid package was incredibly rewarding. What I appreciate most is their dedication, attention to detail, and the outstanding follow-up. Having someone reliable who understands your challenges and supports you in a busy schedule is invaluable. The team feels like a family, standing together and sharing invaluable knowledge, which is crucial for small business owners, especially WBE companies in construction. They're just cool people to know, and I look forward to more collaborations. 

Roxanne and Yuliya’s stories demonstrate the passion, determination, and leadership of women business owners in construction. Despite facing gender barriers, they have achieved success through hard work, perseverance, and vision. We hope their examples inspire other women to boldly pursue their dreams in the construction industry. We at Tough Leaf will continue to support WBEs, as well as other certified, small, local, and diverse construction firms to foster greater diversity and inclusion across the construction industry.

If you are a certified WBE, we invite you to claim your profile and receive opportunities to bid on construction projects in your area.